17 March 2005
Press releases
16 March 2005
Carnegie launches Swedish real estate fund
17 February 2005
Proposal for the election of Board members in D. Carnegie & Co AB
The nomination committee in D. Carnegie & Co AB (Carnegie) today announces its proposal for...
17 February 2005
Notice to Carnegie's AGM on 17 March 2005
The Shareholders of D. Carnegie & Co AB (publ), company number 556498-9449 (hereinafter referred to...
3 February 2005
Proposal for the election of Board members in D. Carnegie & Co AB delayed
3 February 2005
Carnegie – Year-end report 2004: Net profit SEK 396 million (SEK 211 million)
Carnegie’s profit before taxes for 2004 increased by 70% to SEK 535 million (SEK 315...
27 January 2005
Invitation to teleconference – Carnegie’s year-end results
20 January 2005
17 December 2004
Carnegie and Max Matthiessen enter co-operation
29 November 2004
Karin Forseke: Appointment to the board of the Financial Services Authority (FSA) in the United Kingdom
15 November 2004